My Stop Motion Animation

Stop Motion Animation Video
Across two lessons we had to create a short stop motion animation video capturing imaginative photographs of anything we wanted in . First, my group did some research on youtube to get some inspiration for cool animations and music ideas. After watching a range of videos, and discussing ideas between one another we had a few ideas for what we could do.
After that we put our first idea into action by using the college corridor and stairs outside the classroom. The camera shots included, me standing another person in my group's back with my arms out the side. Everytime one shot was taken, I would step of her and she would shuffle, on her tummy, forwards slightly for the next photo.
I really enjoyed making this video, and it gave me an idea of how tough and time-consuming it is to make a short stop motion animation video, let alone a film. I also gave me a better idea of what stop motion animation is, as we did it fairly early on.

 n the end, this is what we came up with:


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